Building Intuition Into Business : Part 2

Last week, we began our conversation around intuition by exploring what it is as well as how it can show up. Today’s post will build off of everything that was shared there, so if you haven’t already read through it (or need a refresher), you can do so right here. ;)



Now, before we dig in, I have a quick note. You know how last time, I mentioned that messages are typically received through extra sensory perception, such as heightened seeing, hearing, feeling, or knowing? I mostly fall into the latter category, which has honestly taken quite a bit of time to recognize, given that messages can seemingly come out of nowhere.

As we move throughout the rest of this series, please remember that we are all different. While my intuition may come through in a way that’s similar to you, it could also be quite the opposite or somewhere in between. And that’s okay! We have different strengths and receptive combinations for a reason and over time, with patience and trust, your understanding will only expand. Just like learning a new language.


That said, you CAN begin integrating intuition into your business right away and I thought it would be helpful to share some of the ways in which I do that personally to help get you started:

01. Inquiries: Traditionally, inquiries are filtered through a variety of individualized standards (budget, timeline, niche, etc.) as well as red flags. And while I certainly take all of this into account, my intuitive reaction always comes first. Meaning, after I read through any given inquiry, I observe how my intuitive muscles are responding. Most commonly, I’ll feel an expanding sensation in my chest (“do it”) or a constriction in my belly (“don’t do it”), both of which help me decide how to move forward. Other times, I’ll just know the answer immediately without much explanation.

For others, this could come through by quickly hearing “yes” or “no” as if your answer was an internal thought. Or maybe you see something in your mind’s eye that makes the answer clear. Simply pay attention and remember that it may take some time to pull out what the message is telling you.

 * It’s important to note that sometimes, our fears can be louder than our intuition, making it difficult to discern the truth. So, if you receive a “no” in some way, shape, or form, consider whether or not that “no” is backed by fear. Are you scared to take on a project because it’s outside of your comfort zone? If so, that could be your fear talking. Do your best to push fear aside and see if your intuition is actually saying “yes.” Again, this will take time. Be patient!

I will say that nine times out of ten, I follow my intuitive reaction. And guess what? It’s usually right. In fact, the very few projects that I’ve gone against my intuition on ended up proving just how out of alignment they really were, with terrible communication, non-existent trust, too many refinements, and ultimately, a huge lesson learned.

02. The creation process: I also use intuition throughout my creative process, which comes through as I’m designing (and could be similar for any creative medium). At this point, I’m already well versed on a brand’s strategy and core ethos, so I’ll ask my intuition how to best represent everything visually. And because my mode of receiving is knowing, it’s almost as if the answer will appear out of thin air, where all of a sudden, it’s abundantly clear that I should use a specific kind of typography style. I’ve even had instances where I’ll begin to sketch a particular composition without really thinking, which then goes on to be the accepted design once I translate it on screen.

It’s … difficult to explain all of this. Especially the knowing bit as I, too, don’t really understand how it happens. It just does. So I’ve learned to follow it and have seen great results. In fact, almost everything that I’ve taken through this process has gotten approved without any further refinement. It feels like magic, when really, it’s the collaborative combination of my own skills PLUS intuition.

For others, this response could come through visually. Where, in your mind's eye, you literally see a particular composition that would be best for your project. Or maybe you feel inexplicably drawn towards a certain typographic style as you’re scrolling through options on your computer. Or maybe you hear “yellow” as a suggestion for the color palette. Again, pay attention and remember that it may take time to pull out what message is coming through.

 * Most people will experience a combination of intuitive perceptions. Take me, for example. While “knowing” is typically. my strongest, “feeling” comes in as a close second. Often, as I’m further along in the design process, I will feel myself get pulled towards the right direction. Or when I’m working on a particular concept, I may feel my body light up, which is a good indication that I’m on the right track. Every once in awhile, I’ll also “hear” messages (ie: “this one, this one!” or “try green!”), which I’ll take into account as well.

03. Decision making: The last area that I want to cover is more of a catch all for decisions that need to be made as a business owner on the regular. While our logical minds are great for deciding what software to use, scheduling workflow, and a million other little things, our intuition can often help quicken the process.

For example, if I’m toying around with new software, I may ask my intuition which one is best for me. I find yes and no questions to be the easiest at first. So I may ask something like “should I try (this program?)” and see if my chest expands (“yes!”) or if my belly constricts (“no!”). Remember, everyone is different so you may experience yes or no answers differently, as described in many of the examples above.

And there you have it. Our two part series on building intuition into your business! As I mentioned in the first post, I *love* talking about this particular topic and would be curious to hear from you experience any or all of the above. :)